Traditionally, when therapists discuss their approach they are usually describing the modality; that is the "what" they are using in their approach. Think of when a therapist says they use CBT. However, throughout the years of practicing, I have found it to the client's benefit that instead I should describe the "how"; that is how do I apply the modality in session. My purpose is to give more insight into exactly how I provide my therapeutic services. This way, potential clients can have a much easier time deciding whether or not my services are best fitted for their needs.
My approach can best be described by the following:
Collaborative: I may be an expert when it comes to human psychology and behavior, but you are the expert and the author of your life. It is for this reason that I ensure our work together is a consequence of both of our efforts. This is accomplished through my patiently listening and understanding where you are and want to be and then us developing specific tools that you find makes the most sense for you. My purpose here is to act as a guide for the destination you choose.
Informative: It is often important to provide psycho-education. This method is a way to help clients understand psychological concepts that they are experiencing. It is a method most commonly used by many therapists, including myself. However, I also believe it is equally, if not more important, to understand the self. Here, I'll assist you in understanding your unconscious motivations, core beliefs, how your emotions (positive and negative) are directly connected to your needs/values, and how all of this influences your behaviors. This has proven to be absolutely necessary for one reason, awareness creates choice.
Solution Focused: Traditional psychotherapy often takes a deep dive into the past to understand and resolve problems of today. Although this can be useful, it's often the case that those seeking psychotherapy are looking for solutions that are actionable and realistic. Put simply, clients want to know how to get from point A to point B. To accomplish that, many solutions will be based on your values; that is, what's meaningful to you. These values will be used to guide your behavior towards therapeutic goals. If necessary, we'll break down the behavior to one that's effortless to commit to daily. With this approach, our work together is tailored to each individual's desired outcome.
Experiential: Seeing is believing. Although in-depth explanations of interventions are a good reinforcement, experience has consistently proven time and again that it is the best teacher. This means that instead of only recommending which interventions to practice outside of session, I show you the interventions effectiveness and how to apply them in session. Through practicing each technique while in session, I highlight and explain its utility step by step.